Networker Advanced Network Information App 3 2 1

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This guide is intended for publishers who want to use the Google Mobile Ads SDKto load and display ads from Vungle via mediation. Itcovers how to add Vungle to an ad unit's mediation configuration, how to set upAd Network Optimization(ANO), and how to integrate the Vungle SDK and adapter into a Unity app.

Supported ad formats and features

Rewarded video
Rewarded video (new APIs)
Smart banners
Ad Network Optimization

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  • Unity 4 or higher
  • Latest Google Mobile Ads SDK
  • To deploy on Android
    • Android API level 16 or higher
  • To deploy on iOS
    • iOS deployment target of 8.0 or higher
  • A working Unity project configured with Google Mobile Ads SDK. See Get Started for details.


  • Vungle does not support loading multiple ads using the same PlacementReference ID.
    • The Vungle adapter gracefully fails the 2nd request if another request forthat placement is loading or waiting to be shown.
  • Vungle only supports loading 1 banner ad at a time.
    • The Vungle adapter gracefully fails subsequent banner requests if a bannerad is already loaded.

Step 1: Set up Vungle

Firefox 72 02 download. Sign up or log in to yourVungle account.

Add your app to the Vungle Applications dashboardby clicking the Add Application button.

Note: If your app supports both Android and iOS, you need to create an appfor each platform.

Fill out the form, entering all the necessary details, then click theContinue button at the bottom of the page to add your app to Vungle.

Once your app is created, select your app from theVungle Applications dashboard.



Take note of the App ID.

Adding new placements

To create a new placement to be used with AdMob mediation, navigate tothe Vungle Placements dashboard,click on the Add Placement button and select your app from the drop-downlist.

Note: If your app supports both Android and iOS, you need to create placementsfor each platform. While Vungle automatically creates a 'default' placementwhen you first create your app, we recommend creating new placements formediation.

Details for adding new placements are included below:


Networker Advanced Network Information App 3 2 1

Select Banner, enter your desired Placement Name and fill outthe rest of the form. Click the Continue button at the bottom of thepage to create the placement.

Take note of the Reference ID and click Sounds Good.

300x250 Banner

Select MREC, enter your desired Placement Name and fill outthe rest of the form. Click the Continue button at the bottom of thepage to create the placement.

Take note of the Reference ID and click Sounds Good.



Select Banner, enter your desired Placement Name and fill outthe rest of the form. Click the Continue button at the bottom of thepage to create the placement.

Take note of the Reference ID and click Sounds Good.

300x250 Banner

Select MREC, enter your desired Placement Name and fill outthe rest of the form. Click the Continue button at the bottom of thepage to create the placement.

Take note of the Reference ID and click Sounds Good.


Select Interstitial, enter your desired Placement Name and fill outthe rest of the form. Click the Continue button at the bottom of thepage to create the placement.

Take note of the Reference ID and click Sounds Good.

Rewarded Video

Select Rewarded, enter your desired Placement Name and fill outthe rest of the form. Click the Continue button at the bottom of thepage to create the placement.

Take note of the Reference ID and click Sounds Good.

In addition to the App ID and the Reference ID, you'll also needyour Vungle Reporting API Key to set up your AdMob ad unit ID.Navigate to the Vungle Reports dashboard andclick on the Reporting API Key button to view your Reporting API Key.

Step 2: Configure your AdMob ad unit

You need to add Vungle to the mediation configuration for your AdMob ad units.First sign in to your AdMob account.

Note: If you're deploying your Unity app to both Android and iOS, you need twoAdMob ad units, one for each platform.

Navigate to the Mediation tab. If you have an existing mediation groupyou'd like to modify, click the name of that mediation group to edit it,and skip ahead to Add Vungle as an ad source.

To create a new mediation group, select Create Mediation Group.

Enter your ad format and platform, then click Continue.


Give your mediation group a name, and select locations to target. Next,set the mediation group status to Enabled. Then click Add Ad Units.

Associate this mediation group with one or more of your existing AdMob adunits. Then click Done.

You should now see the ad units card populated with the ad units youselected, as shown below:


Give your mediation group a name, and select locations to target. Next,set the mediation group status to Enabled. Then click Add Ad Units.

Associate this mediation group with one or more of your existing AdMob adunits. Then click Done.

You should now see the ad units card populated with the ad units youselected, as shown below:

Add Vungle as an ad source

In the Ad Sources card, select Add Ad Network.Select Vungle and enable the Optimize switch. For API Key,enter the Reporting API Key obtained in the previous section to set upANO for Vungle. Then enter an eCPM value for Vungle and click Continue.

Note: You only need to set up ANO once per network.

Enter the Application ID and Placement Reference ID obtained in theprevious section. If you're using version 4.x or older of the Vungle SDK,the Placement Reference ID can be left blank.

Note: Ad network optimization takes a few days to gather data to accuratelycalculate eCPM for a mediation network. In the meantime, the ANO status will bePENDING, so you must manually set an eCPM value for the network. Once the eCPMcan be calculated, ANO will automatically start updating the eCPM on yourbehalf.

Using rewarded video ads

In the settings for your rewarded video ad unit, check the Apply to allnetworks in Mediation groups box so that you provide the same reward to theuser no matter which ad network is served. Virtualhostx 8 7 5 download free.

If you don't override the reward, the Vungle adapter defaults to a reward oftype 'vungle' with value 1. The Vungle SDK does not provide specific rewardvalues for its rewarded video ads.

For more information on setting reward values for AdMob ad units, seeCreate an ad unit.

Step 3: Import the Vungle SDK and adapter

Download the latest version ofGoogle Mobile Ads mediation plugin for Vungleand extract the GoogleMobileAdsVungleMediation.unitypackage from the zip file.

In your Unity project editor, select Assets > Import Package >Custom Package and find the GoogleMobileAdsVungleMediation.unitypackage fileyou downloaded. Make sure all the files are selected and click Import. Postgresql client mac os.

Then, select Assets > Play Services Resolver > Android Resolver > Force Resolve. The Unity Play Services Resolver library will perfromdependency resolution from scratch and copy the declared dependencies into theAssets/Plugins/Android directory of your Unity app.

Step 4: Additional code required

Vungle requires a list of all the placements that will be used within your appto be passed to their SDK. You can provide the list of placements to the adapterusing the VungleInterstitialMediationExtras andVungleRewardedVideoMediationExtras classes. The following code examples showshow to use these classes.

Note: This is no longer required as of version 3.1.0 of theGoogle Mobile Ads mediation plugin for Vungle.


Rewarded video

Step 5: Test your implementation

To enable test ads, go to your Vungle dashboard and navigate toApplications.

Select your app for which you would like to enable test ads under thePlacement Reference ID section of your app. Test ads can be enabled byselecting Test Mode to Show test ads only under the Status section.

That's it! You now have a working mediation integration with Vungle.

Note: If your app supports both platforms, you need to enable test mode for eachapp separately.

Optional steps

EU Consent and GDPR

Under the Google EU User ConsentPolicy, you must ensure that certain disclosures are given to, andconsents obtained from, users in the European Economic Area (EEA) regardingthe use of device identifiers and personal data. This policy reflects therequirements of the EU ePrivacy Directive and the General Data ProtectionRegulation (GDPR). When seeking consent, you must identify each ad networkin your mediation chain that may collect, receive, or use personal data andprovide information about each network's use. Google currently is unable topass the user's consent choice to such networks automatically.

The section below shows you how to enable or disable personalized ads forVungle.

The Google Mobile Ads mediation plugin for Vungle version 3.0.0 includes the Vungle.UpdateConsentStatus() andVungle.GetCurrentConsentStatus() methods. There are two possible values youcan indicate when updating the consent status:

  • VungleConsent.ACCEPTED
  • VungleConsent.DENIED

The following sample code updates the consent status toVungleConsent.ACCEPTED. If you choose to call this method, it is recommendedthat you do so prior to requesting ads via the Google Mobile Ads SDK.

Networker Advanced Network Information App 3 2 13

You can also check the current consent status for Vungle using the followingcode:

In version 3.1.0 of the Google Mobile Ads mediation plugin for Vungle,the UpdateConsentStatus() method was updated to include aconsent message version:

Networker Advanced Network Information App 3 2 11

You can get this consent message version for Vungle using the following code:

See Vungle's GDPR Questions and Answers articlefor more information.

Vungle Unity Mediation Plugin Changelog

Version 3.4.1

  • Supports Vungle Android adapter version
  • Supports Vungle iOS adapter version

Version 3.4.0

  • Supports Vungle Android adapter version
  • Supports Vungle iOS adapter version

Version 3.3.1

  • Repackaged vungle-extras-library.jar to vungle-unity-android-library.aar, using a .aar build to support Unity 2020.
    • When upgrading to this version, please remove vungle-extras-library.jar from your project.
  • Supports Vungle Android adapter version
  • Supports Vungle iOS adapter version

Version 3.3.0

  • Supports Vungle Android adapter version
  • Supports Vungle iOS adapter version

Version 3.2.0

  • Supports Vungle Android adapter version
  • Supports Vungle iOS adapter version

Version 3.1.4

  • Supports Android adapter version
  • Supports iOS adapter version

Version 3.1.3

  • Supports Android adapter version
  • Supports iOS adapter version

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Version 3.1.2

  • Updated the plugin to support the new open-beta Rewarded API.
  • Supports Android adapter version
  • Supports iOS adapter version

Version 3.1.1

  • Supports Android adapter version
  • Supports iOS adapter version
  • Updated Vungle.UpdateConsentStatus() method to make the consentMessageVersion parameter optional. The value of consentMessageVersion is now ignored for iOS.
  • Deprecated Vungle.GetCurrentConsentMessageVersion() for iOS.

Version 3.1.0

  • Supports Android adapter version
  • Supports iOS adapter version
  • Updated Vungle.UpdateConsentStatus() method to take an additional String parameter for the publiser-provided consent message version.
  • Added Vungle.GetCurrentConsentMessageVersion() method to get the publisher-provided consent message version.

Version 3.0.1

  • Supports Android adapter version
  • Supports iOS adapter version

Version 3.0.0

  • Supports Android adapter version
  • Supports iOS adapter version
  • Added the following methods:
    • Vungle.UpdateConsentStatus() method to set the consent status that will be recorded in the Vungle SDK.
    • Vungle.GetCurrentConsentStatus() method to get the user's current consent status.

Version 2.0.0

  • Supports Android adapter version
  • Supports iOS adapter version

Version 1.1.0

  • Supports Android adapter version
  • Supports iOS adapter version

Version 1.0.0

  • First release!
  • Supports Android adapter version
  • Supports iOS adapter version

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